Normal processing time
1 month

Processing fee
DKK 805,-

Who can apply for a work permit without limitations?

You have been granted a job seeking permit along with your residence permit. The residence permit is either for 6 months (before 1 April 2023) or 3 years (after 1 April 2023). The job seeking permit is granted in connection with you completing a danish educational programme approved by by a state authority. The educational programme is either a: 

  • Professional bachelor’s degree,
  • Bachelor's degree,
  • Master's degree or
  • PhD degree 

Read about the educational programmes that are approved by a state authority.

Together with your residence permit for job seeking you have been granted a limited work permit. The permit allows you to work 20 hours a week and full time in June, July and August.

If you want to work more hours than allowed by your limited work permit, you can apply for a work permit without limitations. 

You can apply for a work permit without limitations if you have been granted a 3-year job seeking period and you have completed your educational programme.

You can also apply for a work permit without limitations if you have been granted 6 months job seeking permit before 1 April 2023 and are eligible to be granted a 3 year job seeking permit because you have completed a Danish educational programme approved by a state authority and the educational programme are a:  

  • Professional bachelor’s degree,
  • Bachelor's degree,
  • Master's degree or
  • PhD degree.

What are the conditions?

You have either been granted a 3-year job seeking period along with your permit as a student, you were granted a 3-year job seeking residence permit at a later stage or have been granted a 6 months job seeking permit before 1 April 2023 and are eligible to be granted a 3 year job seeking permit..

In order to obtain a work permit without limitations, you must have completed an educational programme, which is approved by a state authority.

If you have completed an Academy Profession (AP) or a higher educational programme which is not approved by a state authority, but instead have an advisory statement from the Danish Evaluation Institute (EVA), you cannot apply for a work permit without limitations during your job seeking period. You can read more about educational programmes approved by EVA here.

It is not a requirement that you are offered a job already in order to apply for a work permit without limitations. 

What are my rights if I am granted a permit?

What are you allowed to do with a work permit without limitations – and what are you not allowed to do?

With a work permit without limitations you can work more that the allowed 90 hours per month. 

You can start working full time from the day on which you submit your application and while SIRI is processing it. 

With a work permit without limitations you can work either as self-employed or for any employer and you do not need to apply for a new work permit if you change place of employment. 

You do not need to apply for a new work permit either if you wish to work for more than one employer. 

Duration of the work permit

The work permit is valid for the same period as your residence permit for job seeking.

If you have been granted a 6 months job seeking permit, and if you are eligible to be granted a 3 year job seeking permit because of your completed educational programme, you can get a work permit without limitations, which will last to the end of the 6 months job seeking permit.

If your job seeking permit is later extended byup to 3 years, your work permit will automatically be extended for the same period. This means that you do not have to apply for an extension of your work permit when you are applying for a 3-year extension of your job seeking permit, as this will happen automatically.

Read about how to apply and the conditions for work permit during jobseeking period

What more do I need to know before I apply?

An application for a work permit without limitations can be submitted to the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI).

You need to pay a fee and have biometric features recorded in connection with your application.

On the tab "How to apply" to the right you have access to the relevant application form ST7. The form only exists as a printable form in PDF og Word format.

SIRI will contact you if we need further information to process your case.

Below you will find a step-by-step guide to submitting an application to the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI).

It is important that you have carefully read the conditions for being granted a dispensation to prevent your permit from lapsing before you begin step 1. You can do this on the tab “Need to know” on the left.

When submitting an application or appeal with a fee, you must first create a case order ID.

Case type:

Work permit during job seeking stay


DKK 805,-

Information about the applicant

Are you exempt from paying the fee?

In certain cases the fee is not warranted (fee exemption). Examples are:

  • The Association Agreement between the EU and Turkey
  • Denmark’s international obligations

You are still required to create a case order ID, even if you are not required to pay a fee.

If you have paid a fee and it is not warranted, the whole fee will be refunded.

Read more about Fee exemption

All fees are regulated every year on 1 January. Make sure to create your Case Order ID, pay the fee and submit your application in the same calendar year. If you pay the fee before 1 January and submit your application after 1 January, your application may be rejected.

If no case order ID is shown in the field below, please type your case order ID and click on View payment status.

It is a good idea to gather the necessary documents before you start to complete the application form. You can use the checklist below.


You must submit:

Expect to use

15 minutes

completing the application

1 person

You complete the application form yourself

The application form contain careful instructions on how to complete the form and what kind of documents you must submit along with the form.

You can read more about how we process your personal data here

The printable application form in Word format can be completed on screen before you print. The application form in pdf format must be printed first and then completed by hand.

Download the printable form ST7 (Word format)

Download the printable form ST7 (Pdf format)

You can submit the application by appearing in person in one of SIRI's branch offices in Copenhagen, Odense, Aarhus, Aalborg, Esbjerg, Sønderborg or on Bornholm.

If you wish to submit the application in one of SIRI's branch offices, you must remember to book an appointment here

You can also send the application to SIRI through our contact form. You can find SIRI's contact form here


When you apply for a residence permit, you must have your biometric features recorded. The facial photo and your fingerprints will be stored on a microchip embedded in the residence card, which will be issued to you if you are granted a permit.

You must have your biometric features recorded no later than 14 days after you have submitted your application.

If you do not agree to have your biometric features recorded, your application will be rejected. This means that your application will not be processed.

Read more about biometrics here

Your biometric features can be recorded in one of SIRI’s branch offices. Remember to book an appointment.

You have submitted your application succesfully if you have:

  • created a case order ID

  • paid the fee

  • submitted the application

  • had your biometric features recorded


You can see the normal case processing time to the right on this page. When we make a decision in your case, you will receive an answer.

SIRI will contact you or your employer if we need further information to process your case.

Your residence card will automatically be sent to the address that has been registered under your name in the Civil Registration System (CPR). It is important that your name is written on your mailbox. If your name is not written on your mailbox, there is a chance that the residence card will not be delivered to you, and that it will be sent back to SIRI instead.

Responsible agency

Contact SIRI